urban tapestries

Dimensions of Information: Giles Lane & Rachel Murphy

What Stage Are We At?

We are currently gearing up for the forthcoming Public Trial of Urban Tapestries in the Bloomsbury area of London during December 2003. This trial of a very early prototype will focus on encouraging participants to engage in Public Authoring.

The affordances of current mobile and wireless devices mean that there will be several key shifts that participants (and people in general) will need to overcome:

  • Firstly, the lack of familiarity with mobile devices such as PDAs and Smart phones – people may understand their basic funtionality, but have significant problems accessing higher capabilities.
  • Secondly, the primary mode that our televisual age has inculcated into us is one of consumption. Most people use technology as an information retrieval tool, not as a tool for personal creativity, let alone one for publishing and sharing information they have created. We see this shift in moving from authored experiences communicated through technology to a future of co-created experiences transceived through technology as a richer, more complex and more benefical – culturally and socially.


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