Authoring and Civil Society
Tapestries is a research initiative developing experimental uses of public
authoring to demonstrate the social and cultural benefits of local knowledge
sharing enabled by new mobile technologies. These playful and challenging
experiments will build upon the Urban Tapestries framework and software
platform developed by Proboscis and its partners. Through collaborations
and partnerships with other civil society organisations we will address
education, social housing, community arts and local government.
By designing
and implementing a series of experiments in real world situations, Social
Tapestries will aim to reveal the potential of public authoring to:
- create
and support relationships that transcend existing social and cultural
- enable
the development of new social and creative practices based around place,
identity and community;
- reveal
the potential costs as well as benefits.
The areas we are exploring are:
- education
and learning
looking at how local informal knowledges can be gathered, represented,
understood and shared by schoolchildren and lifelong learners.
- community
engagement & arts
working with artists as facilitators for local communities in engaging
with regeneration contexts and local issues.
- social
housing & environment (active citizenship)
exploring how new forms of neighbourliness could emerge where existing
physical structures (such as tower blocks) create barriers and where
issues such as safety and presence in the community can be addressed
through sharing information and knowledge.
- local
government & public services
assessing the impacts on communities of locally specific information
gathered by local public services; and local residents ability to interact
with such agencies through public authoring systems.
Proboscis ran a Creative Lab in September
2004 to explore the ideas of Social Tapestries and to identify and establish
potential collaborations with arts and civil society organisations to
help us create the experiments. The Social Tapestries experiments offer
a platform to devise and understand actual uses of public authoring by
people going about their everyday lives.
& Learning 1: Kingswood Social Tapestry
Proboscis collaborated with Kingswood High School near Hull to design
a set of tools and activities that introduced the concept of local knowledge
gathering, mapping and sharing with Year 7 students (11-12 year olds).
The aim of the project is to impact the relevance of learning by making
it proximate to the environment in which the students live. Students will
be asked throughout the year to gather and map specific phenomena which
can then be studied across the curriculum.
Proboscis aims to develop a model and toolkit for other schools to apply
this approach to associative learning, as well as to make the process
sustainable and transferable.
& Arts 1: Robotic Feral Public Authoring
Proboscis has won an EPSRC award to host the renown artist/engineer Natalie
Jeremijenko of UC San Diego on a Visiting Fellowship during 2004/05.
We will be collaborating with Natalie to adapt her Feral Robots (toy robot
dogs reconfigured to act as independent mobile pollution sensors) to create
a model for using hobbyist robotics and public authoring as social activism,
and as triggers for new social and cultural encounters.
We are just embarking on partnerships with SPACE Studios and the London
Knowledge Lab to begin working with a local community in Hackney with
whom we will identify a local environmental condition and develop a prototype
feral robot to sense and map the pollution as part of a public event to
raise awareness of and focus attention on the issue.
& Learning 2: STAMPS
System for TAgging Messages, Post-inferential Semantics
Proboscis is collaborating with researchers from the CRAFT (Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning) Lab at EPFL Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology) on a 3 year PhD research project exploring the cognitive
processes used by people to infer elements of spatialised communications.
EPFL will use Urban Tapestries as their test platform running 2-3 trials
over 2 years in order to develop intelligent algorithms based on semantic
descriptions of spatialised communication to enable smart meta data to
be automatically added to spatial annotations.
The first trial with an estimated 10 participants is anticipated to run
in London for up to 2 months during Spring 2005.
Citizenship 1: Eyes on the Street
Proboscis is developing a collaborative project with Citizens Online and
the Community Development Foundation to explore the potential and appropriateness
of social technologies to help address issues of liveability, and community
engagement in community safety.
The intention is to work with people in a specific neighbourhood to investigate
the potential for systems like Urban Tapestries to meet the needs of people
in a community to have effective 'eyes on the street’, creating
possibilities for new approaches to neighbourliness, community reporting
on local environmental conditions and other social interactions.
The design process will be adaptive and people-centred, with the intention
of creating appropriate uses and interfaces for people with different
lifestyles, capabilities and levels of interest.
& Arts 2: Neighbourhood Games
John Paul Bichard is leading a research project exploring the feasibility
of gaming as a social tool. The project will look at ways in which social
multiplayer games can be developed and sustained in a local neighbourhood
environment. The aim is to develop a games methodology that has
the potential to allow a broad demographic to play in the everyday environment
across race, age and gender.
A fundamental part of human social activity is play, whether private or
shared, solitary or in groups. Play functions on a number of levels, one
of which could be as a means of exploring, testing and defining the ‘neighbourhood’
as both a social place and an interpersonal mechanism. Neighbourhood
Games looks at a way of developing simple games layers within familiar
environments – in relation to the research carried out to date in
UT, it will draw on notions of community, age separation and hidden stories
with an aim to establish clear directions for ongoing research and development.
& Arts 3: RoadMarker
Nick West is leading a project to research and demonstrate ways
to make and hear spatial annotations while driving. As an extension to
the Urban Tapestries system of marking and examining space, the annotations
can be created on the fly while driving or riding; they can also be constructed
or edited while on the web. Both drivers and passengers will be able to
listen to these annotations from a mobile device that is with them in
their vehicle.
& Learning 3: Architecture Week 2005
Proboscis is collaborating with Arts Council England to use the new Urban
Tapestries web interface to map the commissioned tours of London by architects
and critics for Architecture Week. Members of the public will be bale
to sign up to Urban Tapestries to explore the tours online as well as
to create their own, building up a large online and searchable database
of local knowledge about the architecture of London.
Citizenship 2: Mobility Field Experiment
Proboscis will run a small field trial in Summer 2005 with a group of
people with physical impairments. The participants will be able to use
the public authoring system to annotate access issues relating to the
physical infrastructure of the city. The aim is to begin to understand
the everyday practical issues faced by people with mobility difficulties
in the urban environment – providing key information to surveyors
and mapping agencies about what additional features needs to be mapped
(such as kerb height), as well as a public way of mapping and sharing
locally specific information crucial to a variety of communities.